Over the past 5 years alone, our reliance upon the internet and digital/social platforms has grown beyond belief but has our caution grown as quickly as our curiosity. Last year (2017) nearly 7 in 10 large businesses identified a cyber breach or attack to their system which had us questioning, what more could we be doing to ensure our, and your, cyber security? We also discussed that firms that hold sensitive or financial information are more susceptible to cyber-attack and targeting.
To show that we’re committed to maintaining our cyber security and in turn, your security we’re delighted to announce that we have successfully completed our Cyber Essentials Certification. This certification is part of a government backed scheme to encourage companies, like us, to demonstrate to their customers that they take cyber security seriously. The Cyber Essentials Certification is based upon 5 basic controls, which were chosen because, when properly implemented, they will help to protect against unskilled internet-based attacks using commodity capabilities, which are freely found on the internet.
Cyber security is a growing issue within our society and must be taken seriously by organisations and customers alike. If you’re looking to step up your security, or would just like to find out more about how we can help your to protect your and your customers personal data on digital platforms, give us a call on 01905 428848 and our team will be happy to give you a helping hand.