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We provide a personal, professional & friendly service
01905 428848
Mon - Fri 9am till 5pm / Sat 9am till 12pm
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We provide a personal, professional & friendly service
01905 428848
Mon - Fri 9am till 5pm / Sat 9am till 12pm
Russell Meers & Gill (Worcester) Ltd have been trading since 1983. We are based in St. Johns, Worcester. We are insurance brokers and we also provide an agency for Yorkshire Building Society. We provide customer services for the society where information can be given on products and new saving accounts can be opened.
We also offer an excellent in house claims handling service to ensure your claim is handled quickly and fairly by the insurers involved... [read more]
5 Malvern Road
St. Johns
WR2 4YD.
Phone: 01905 428848
Fax: 01905 420311
Email: info@russellmeers.co.uk
Website: www.russellmeers.co.uk
Russell Meers & Gill (Worcester) Ltd is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA registration number: 940676).
Registered office: 31 St Johns, Worcester, WR2 5AG. Registered in England and Wales, Company Registration Number: 12491678.